aberration (1)aberrometry (1)ablatio retinae (13)accommodating intraocular lens (略語: accommodating IOL, accommodating lens) (1)accompanying retinal detachment (1)acute multifocal placoid pigment epitheliopathy (略語: AMPPE) (4)adult vitelliform macular degeneration (略語: AVMD) (3)advanced cataract (1)against the rule astigmatism (略語: ATRA) (1)age-related macular degeneration (略語: AMD, ARMD) (15)alpha zone (6)altitudinal hemianopsia (5)amnion membrane (略語: AM) (2)amniotic membrane transplantation (略語: AMT) (2)angioid streaks (pl.) (1)angle closure (4)angle closure glaucoma (略語: ACG) (1)annular reflex (1)anterior blepharitis (2)anterior capsular phimosis (略語: capsular phimosis) (1)anterior capsule membrane (略語: ACM) (1)anterior chamber (略語: AC) (10)anterior chamber angle (略語: ACA, angle) (10)anterior chamber angle width (略語: angle width) (5)anterior chamber cells (略語: ACC, cells, C) (pl.) (8)anterior chamber depth (略語: ACD, AC depth) (3)anterior chamber flare (略語: ACF) (3)anterior chamber intraocular lens (略語: anterior chamber IOL, AC IOL, AC-IOL, ACIOL) (5)anterior corneal surface (略語: anterior surface) (1)anterior eye segment (略語: AES) (4)anterior ischaemic optic neuropathy (略語: AION) (UK) (1)anterior polar cataract (略語: APC) (3)anterior segment optical coherence tomography (略語: anterior segment OCT, AS-OCT, ASOCT) (6)anterior synechiae (pl.) (6)anterior uveitis (略語: AU) (4)aphakia (1)aphakic (1)apical corneal scarring (略語: apical scarring) (3)applanation tonometer (3)applanation tonometry (3)arcus lipoides (5)areas of capillary non-perfusion (2)Argon laser photocoagulation (specific, spezifisch) (7)Arlt´s triangle (1)arteriovenous crossing changes (略語: AV crossing changes) (2)artificial lens (3)asphericity (1)asteroid hyalosis (略語: AH) (6)astigmatism (2)astrocytic hamartoma (4)athalamia (3)attenuated vessel (2)autofluorescence (11)Avellino dystrophy (1)Axenfeld-Rieger syndrome (略語: ARS) (2)